Bethany Montgomery

Thank you for considering being a part of my Camp Well Journey

amount raised towards my goal

  • 40% 40%

What is Camp Well?

Camp Well is a 5-month spiritual formation experience. It begins September 1st with online content and teaching. November 4th-7th, 2024, I will gather in person with 40 other women for 4 days to continue working through the curriculum that will help us live in union with Jesus, live in unity with one another and live unleashed to bring the Kingdom near. 

Why do I want to go?

         First, I want to thank you for taking a bit of your time to read this. 
 I had the opportunity to attend Camp Well in April 2019. When I signed up for this initially I had high hopes, expectations and dreams (they still float out there somewhere) of what might come of my time there. But God…He had and has had other plans for me, then what I have precieved. Just a few days before I went, was my Dad’s funeral/celebration of life. It was completely unexpected. Within 5 weeks we as a family lost 5 people. I know God had that time at Camp Well as a respite for me.
Once I went to Camp Well I knew I should go back one day. As you may understand I have wrested with if and when. Grief has been a journey that I have been learning since. Even as I am writing this. I want to hold my expectations of this opportunity with open hands, believing God has open this door once again at a moment where respite would be healthy for my mind, body, and soul.


How you can invest in my Camp Well experience

If you’re able to invest financially toward my goal, click on the link below and enter any amount you would like – $5, $25, $100. If you’re not able to invest financially, will you join my prayer team? When you invest, you will automatically be added to my prayer team as well.

I’m thankful for partners like you and for the creative ways God provides including the unexpected.

Thank you.