Jewel Hazelton

Thank you for considering being a part of my Camp Well Journey

amount raised towards my goal

  • 50% 50%

What is Camp Well?

Camp Well is a 5-month spiritual formation experience. It begins September 1st with online content and teaching. November 4th-7th, 2024, I will gather in person with 40 other women for 4 days to continue working through the curriculum that will help us live in union with Jesus, live in unity with one another and live unleashed to bring the Kingdom near. 

Why do I want to go?

As a chronic overachiever and planner, I’ve always felt a strong need to control my life’s trajectory. However, I’ve recently realized that God’s plan for me is different from my own. While I intellectually understand that His plan is better, surrendering to it has been a struggle.

Feeling a bit overworked and burnt out, I’ve been searching for ways to rediscover my spiritual gifts. With more than six weeks of vacation time, I’ve realized that I’ve been pouring into others without taking enough time for myself. The Well Retreat offers the perfect opportunity for a reset.

I’m hoping to use this time to reconnect with my faith, rediscover my hidden gems, and find renewed strength and purpose. I believe that this retreat will help me align my heart and mind with God’s plan and allow me to truly rest in His love and grace.

How you can invest in my Camp Well experience

If you’re able to invest financially toward my goal, click on the link below and enter any amount you would like – $5, $25, $100. If you’re not able to invest financially, will you join my prayer team? When you invest, you will automatically be added to my prayer team as well.

I’m thankful for partners like you and for the creative ways God provides including the unexpected.

Thank you.