A week ago today, as our days at Lost Valley Ranch came to a close, the words “This seat was always meant for me” were spoken and resonated deep within my soul. This very chair, this seat I sat in all week, long ago had my name on it. It was a seat that placed me right where I was supposed to be, at this exact moment in time, with the exact women I needed to be with. Some of why this seat was mine was very clear in the worship, sessions, meals & open conversations, and some of the why, I have no doubt will still reveal itself as time goes on. I encourage you to be praying and ask God if one of the seats at the next Camp Well may already have your name on it? This space and place is something special.
HEIDI R. // Spring 2019

Gathering around a table with incredible women from all over the country this past week was a powerful thing. I feel grateful for this community that God so intentionally brought together through Camp Well – “blessed is she who believed the Lord would fulfill His promises to her”
Janelle O. // FALL 2018
I once believed a lie that if you’re working somewhere, you don’t participate. This isn’t for you. Keep your head down. Don’t tell your story. Call it humility. Call it servanthood.
That was until I crossed the cattle guard into Lost Valley Ranch.
Melissa z. // FALL 2017

God spoke to me in the quiet times and those things he said to me created a beautiful picture of my identity in Christ. I was reminded of his love for me and all the little details that he knows about me. I was able to forgive others who had wronged me and receive a new confidence in who I am as his daughter. I was also reminded that he should always come first in my life and that at times, my choice to put him first will cause me to let others down but my focus must stay on him.

Life giving. Life changing. Life restoring. The place where I began to dream again. Camp Well ignited a fire in me to live again. It returned the joy to this once weary soul. It gave me permission to step away from the empty tomb and start celebrating the resurrection! My life is forever marked by this experience.
Tessa P. // Fall 2018
It honestly felt like a dance with the flurries of Heaven this morning. The snow, the freedom, the laughter, the friends, the authentic abundance that only the depth of Christ can give – it was such a pure exchange of grace I’m still grasping for the right words. A blanket of grace and glory wrapped up in the process of becoming. All tucked away in the mountains at Camp Well these women leaned in and experienced the invitation of the Lord to “go out into the deep for a catch” Luke 5:1-11 – we claimed freedom, dreams, wholeness, kindness, friendship, authenticity, surrender and a tenderness that felt as if we were touching the very steadfast love of Christ. And yet again, I am sure I will never be the same.
CARI T. // FALL 2019
I’ve never witnessed freedom in others, and myself like I did at Camp Well. I truly walked away with the posture of my heart and body changed. I’ve felt lighter and like I can actually take a full breath in the hard moments of daily life. I’ve realized a retreat is not a weekend away and you’re CHANGED. Camp Well has given me tools to continue this daily work of living WHOLE, not to mention the TRUE community found within these women.
KATIE N. // October 2023

I will never ever be able to express the depth of my gratitude for all of it. My experience brings me to tears often. I am so incredibly thankful that God chose all of these wonderful women to work through and work with to provide me with this program, space, and community that I cannot wait to use to pour into others who are craving this exact thing and they don’t even realize it yet. Grateful. Grateful. Grateful. Thank you so so much to each and every person that had a prayer, heart, and hand to contribute to this program. God used you to change my life in such an impactful and positive way. Thank you.
Brandi F. // Spring 2024

I went to Camp Well not even knowing what to expect. I had assumptions and fears….all which were squashed in the first few hours of meeting the other women. I walked away knowing that I am where I need to be. Knowing life will not be perfect. People may disappoint me. Dang, I may disappoint them. But when all those things happen, I have a ton of tools and ladies to help keep me on track. That is a shockingly freeing feeling. The speakers were knowledgable, the practical teaching was on point, the spiritual teaching divine, the food was astounding (ALLLLL the snacks), the cabins were cozy, the hospitality was incredible, the leadership was strong and the ladies in attendance were sweet and warm and comforting and as willing to listen to your story as they were to tell their own.
Melissa T. // FALL 2018
My heart is on fire and at rest at the same time. The Holy Spirit moves. This I know. But to watch the moving of the Holy Spirit in and through so many women at once, together? It’s hard to describe. Camp Well creates a space. Whether you have big defined dreams, are a constant action taker on other people’s dreams, never once had a dream before, had your dream taken away or anywhere in between…you have a place to stop, to rest, and to hear what God wants to reveal to you next.
Maria G. // Fall 2018

Letting go of the guilt and shame has helped me be a better mother and wife. The profound freedom that has come from God through my personal experience with him at Camp Well will continue to rewrite my story and change my family.
EMILY G. // Fall 2023